Benefits Of Taking Evening Primrose Oil

By | January 26, 2025

Benefits Of Taking Evening Primrose Oil – Perhaps one of the most sensational preventative discoveries since vitamin C is Evening Primrose Oil. It contains the pain-relieving compound phenylalanine. This compound is increasingly used to treat chronic headaches. But its health benefits don’t stop there.

Evening Primrose Oil is used for a variety of ailments (as you are about to see) and is currently being studied as a treatment for aging problems, acne, heart disease, symptoms of menopause, multiple sclerosis, weight control, and obesity. In fact, because of its therapeutic properties, Evening Primrose Oil has become a standard herbal recommendation for preserving youth, as well as preventing disease. Let’s take a more in-depth look at this herbal supplement.

Benefits Of Taking Evening Primrose Oil

Derived from the seeds of the Evening Primrose (the Oenothera Biennis plant), EPO (as it is often referred to) is a rich source of omega-6 essential fatty acids. In particular, it contains a high concentration of a fatty acid called GLA (Gamma Linoleic Acid) – a component largely responsible for its healing properties.

Evening Primrose Oil: Nature’s Gift For Skin For Every Phase Of Life

1. Relieves discomfort associated with menopause, menstruation, endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts: EPO has been widely reported to reduce hot flashes associated with menopause and increase feelings of well-being. The GLA in Evening Primrose Oil can also help reduce menstrual cramps and reduce premenstrual breast tenderness. Additionally, many PMS sufferers are found to have unusually low levels of GLA. Hence, taking this supplement will help a lot.

2. Relieves Joint Pain and Swelling Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis: GLA found in Evening Primrose Oil has been shown to reduce joint pain and swelling – two side effects of this debilitating disease. In fact, according to a study conducted over a six-month period, sufferers who took capsules containing GLA showed fewer signs of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. Another trial also showed that the number of tender and swollen joints also dropped significantly with GLA.

3. Prevent nerve damage due to diabetes: Research has shown that the GLA in Evening Primrose Oil can help prevent and possibly reverse the nerve damage commonly seen with diabetes. A year-long study found that symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and loss of sensation among participants with mild diabetic neuropathy were less noticeable in those who took Evening Primrose Oil compared to those who took a placebo.

4. Reduces the effects of eczema: When the body has trouble converting dietary fats into GLA, getting supplemental GLA from Evening Primrose Oil can be helpful. Studies have shown that this oil can outperform a placebo in relieving eczema-related inflammation—and that includes inflammation, itching, oozing, and scaly skin associated with this condition. By increasing their intake of GLA, sufferers can reduce doses of steroid creams and drugs.

Deve Herbes Pure Evening Primrose Oil (oenothera Biennis) Cold Pressed

5. Combats Damage from Multiple Sclerosis: Evening primrose oil may be valuable in reducing the inflammation associated with progressive nerve damage. The fatty acids can also contribute to healthy nerve development when taken over time.

6. Treats memory deficits associated with Alzheimer’s: Evening primrose oil increases the transmission of nerve impulses and may be valuable in treating this progressive brain disorder.

7. Nourishes Nails, Scalp and Hair: The essential fatty acids in Evening Primrose Oil prevent nails from cracking, helping them to stay healthy overall. The essential fatty acids found in EPO are also great for the scalp. As a result, this supplement is especially valuable in treating a variety of hair problems.

8. Relieves symptoms associated with osteoporosis: Studies have shown that those who use EPO along with fish oil and calcium appear to reduce bone loss and increase bone density. However, more research is needed to determine what role EPO can play independently of the other supplements in this regard.

Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Skin

EPO contains an anticoagulant (blood-thinning) effect, which can cause an increased risk of bleeding, specifically in people taking the blood thinner Warfarin (Coumadin). So such patients should not use this oil. Other drugs that thin the blood, including Plavix and Aspirin, can also be problematic when taken with the oil.

Evening primrose should be avoided among people with epilepsy or other seizure disorders, as it may increase the chance of a seizure. People with schizophrenia who use certain drugs may also be at risk of having a seizure. Medical advice should therefore be sought.

Within two weeks of going for a general anaesthetic, Evening Primrose Oil should be discontinued due to an increased risk of bleeding.

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Benefits Of Using Evening Primrose Oil

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Native Americans and European settlers used evening primrose, a wildflower that grows in eastern and central North America, for food. Today, the seeds of the flower are still collected and cold-pressed for their oil, which is then encapsulated to make dietary supplements.

What is evening primrose oil (EPO) good for? This oil is high in essential fatty acids  — which provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances.

Evening Primrose Oil Supplements

It is known to help reduce the pain associated with PMS and menopause and improve chronic skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. EPO can also be used as an anti-inflammatory and is known to be helpful for arthritis and more.

The main benefit associated with EPO (Oenothera biennis) is the supply of healthy fats, specifically the types called omega-6 fatty acids. Evening primrose oil has two types of omega-6 fatty acids, including linoleic acid (60%–80% of its fats) and γ-linoleic acid, also called gamma-linoleic acid or GLA (8%–14% of its fats).

Essential fatty acids are necessary for human health, but the body cannot make them on its own – so you must get them from your diet. Your body needs a healthy balance of essential fatty acids, such as omega-6, found in EPO, and omega-3, found in fish oil.

Along with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in immune function and brain function, as well as normal growth and development.

Evening Primrose Seed Oil (oenothera Biennis) In Skincare Explained

In addition, fats act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins – including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. For example, dietary fats are necessary for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, mineral absorption and a host of other processes.

What does evening primrose do to hormones? For starters, women around the world take EPO to naturally treat PMS symptoms because of its essential fatty acid content—and it can help reduce unwanted menopause symptoms. It is also one of the most recommended menopause supplements.

Getting enough omega-6 fatty acids, such as LA and GLA, has been shown to support overall hormonal function in the body when taken for about three to six months.

During a woman’s premenstrual period, she may experience breast tenderness, bloating, water retention, acne, depression, irritability, foggy thinking and headaches. According to a study in the journal Lipids, these symptoms can reportedly disappear after using evening primrose oil.

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits & Information

In 2013, the results of a randomized clinical trial that looked at the effects of evening primrose oil on 56 menopausal women (aged 45-59) were published. These women took two 500-milligram capsules of EPO or a placebo every day for a total of six weeks.

The researchers then compared hot flashes between the two groups and found that oral EPO reduced the intensity of hot flashes and the life disruption resulting from these attacks.

EPO appears to help increase the production of cervical mucus, a factor in successful reproduction and therefore a natural treatment for infertility, as this fluid helps create a friendly environment for sperm.

To increase cervical mucus, the recommended dose is 500 milligrams of EPO, three times a day. If you don’t get results after trying 1,500 milligrams a day, double your dose during the next cycle.

Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Hormonal Symptoms

The high levels of essential fatty acids present in EPO also have a direct effect on uterine cells, aiding in contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue. It helps strengthen the uterine muscles in preparation for pregnancy.

Consuming EPO for its fatty acid content is only best when you are trying to conceive naturally – not for women who are already pregnant, as the contraction of the uterus can be problematic at that point.

An animal study conducted at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Management included male and female blue foxes given evening primrose oil during mating season

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