Tips For Treating Keratosis Pilaris

Tips For Treating Keratosis Pilaris – Keratosis pilaris or KP is a frustrating skin condition. There are many treatments that can help, but treating keratosis pilaris with diet can lead to significant improvements for some people. Learn how to treat keratosis pilaris with diet and other natural remedies in this post!

Disclaimer: This post should not be taken as medical advice and should be used for informational purposes only. Always talk to your doctor or other healthcare professionals about any nutritional or dietary changes.

Tips For Treating Keratosis Pilaris

Chances are if you got here, you’ve tried other things to try to cure your keratosis pilaris (KP) and just haven’t been successful. Well, I’m glad you stopped by. Since I shared “How I Healed My Keratosis Pilaris (KP) Naturally” a few months ago, it has quickly become the most popular post on the blog. In this post I shared the external and topical treatments I used to help heal my KP in 3 months. If you are interested in more information, I encourage you to read about how I cured my KP naturally.

Facts You Must Know About Keratosis Pilaris

But since that post, one of the most common questions I get is “what are the best foods to eat to help heal KP?” and “how can I cure keratosis pilaris with diet?”. So I finally decided to answer your questions.

If you follow my blog you will know that I believe that food is a form of medicine. What you put in your body affects your entire system. And at least for me, that was also true when it came to my KP. Changing my diet was a crucial factor in curing my keratosis pilaris.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so increased inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, allergies, hormonal imbalances, etc. they can present various manifestations or skin problems. In addition, the importance of our gut microbiome or gut bacteria is increasingly being recognized as playing a very important role in skin problems. If your gut bacteria is out of balance, it can lead to a number of skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, and more.

Now, before we get to the dietary changes that can help with KP or chicken skin, let’s review what keratosis pilaris is:

Keratosis Pilaris Popping: What You Need To Know

Keratosis pilaris, commonly called “chicken skin”, is a common condition that causes small rough bumps on the skin, most commonly on the back of the arms. Keratosis pilaris is harmless and does not require treatment, although for aesthetic reasons many people try to treat it.

The most common treatments for keratosis pilaris focus on external treatments such as exfoliation, topical creams and ointments, but there are many anecdotal reports of people healing their KP through diet and nutrition, so I wanted to make this post.

Unfortunately, there are no published studies on the role of diet or nutrition in the treatment of KP, so this post is based on my personal experience, the experience of my patients and readers, and research that has been ‘ has done on other related skin conditions. in keratosis pilaris (please see the references at the end of this post if you are interested in learning more).

I used to struggle with keratosis pilaris and would often get it, which made it even worse (see photo below). However, I found that by making dietary changes I was able to heal my KP from the inside out. You can see my keratosis pilaris before and after photos below.

How To Treat Keratosis Pilaris

As you can see, I still have some residual scarring, but even that pales in comparison to the photo in my first post (you can see it here) which was taken at 3 months.

In this post I will share what I did to cure my keratosis pilaris with diet. I’ve heard from numerous people that making these dietary changes cured or significantly improved their keratosis pilaris, so I hope they help you too. Of course, I always recommend discussing any dietary or lifestyle changes with your doctor or other health professional before starting them.

If you follow the blog you may remember my recent post, why pimples are unhealthy. The high intake of refined and processed grains that is typical of most modern diets has been linked to many different health problems. Some of the key reasons why include its high lectin content, its high phytic acid content, its gliadin content, and its high omega-6 content. In some people, these substances appear to damage the intestines causing leaky gut syndrome, decrease the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and increase inflammation in the body.

Leaky gut syndrome (also known as increased intestinal permeability) allows food particles, toxins, bacteria, and other foreign particles that should remain in the gut to pass through the intestinal barrier and enter the stream. sanguine This can lead to systemic inflammation and, in susceptible individuals, can contribute to the development of various health problems. In my case, when I was struggling with leaky gut, my KP was at its worst. Once I was able to heal my gut, my skin began to heal.

Keratosis Pilaris: Follow These 4 Steps To Get A Smooth Skin

Food sensitivities in the gluten area are also common. There is a condition called non-celiac gluten sensitivity that can cause many different health problems, with some patients reporting various rashes and skin problems associated with this condition. Other skin problems that have been shown to improve with a gluten-free diet include, but are not limited to, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, and palmoplantar pustulosis.

To help your KP, one thing you can try is eliminating gluten from your diet or following a gluten-free diet for at least one to three months to see if you notice any improvement. You may need to remove the extra grains to help it fully cure, but I find that it’s often gluten free.

I personally followed a paleo diet for 10 years and did not eat any grains during that time. This diet is what my body personally needed to heal from many different chronic health issues, including my KP, but I know no diet or protocol is perfect for everyone, so you always have to do your best for your own body.

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for skin health. Omega 3 supplementation has been found to help treat acne, psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and a number of other health conditions. Also, increasing your omega 3 intake makes you less prone to sunburn (reference).

Breakthrough Treatment For Keratosis Pilaris Or

Unfortunately, modern diets are often very unbalanced in the intake of essential fatty acids. A healthy, balanced diet should consist of approximately one to four times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids, but the typical American diet tends to contain 11 to 30 times more omega-6 than omega -3.

Even foods that traditionally weren’t very high in omega-6 fatty acids are now because of the processing and methods used to produce them. For example, grass-fed cows produce meat with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1-4:1. However, grain-fed cows (as is the case on most farms or modern factory farms) produce meat with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 8-13:1. This excessive intake of omega-6 is believed to increase inflammation in the body and contribute to various health problems.

Unfortunately, like diet, no studies have looked at the role of omega 3 and 6 in the development or treatment of keratosis pilaris, but I, as well as many others, have had success when we get this ratio right.

Here are some simple ways to increase the omega-3 content and decrease the omega-6 content of your diet:

A Guide To Managing Keratosis Pilaris This Season

If you can’t eat the things I mentioned, you may need to supplement your diet with omega-3s. Now, I always recommend getting as many nutrients as you can from food, rather than supplements, but sometimes it’s difficult and expensive to eat as well as we should, so if you need supplements, just make sure you choose a reliable product. and safe brand.

As I mentioned earlier, in some people skin problems can be related to food sensitivities or allergies, and dairy sensitivities are common. More specifically, intolerance to casein (a protein found in dairy) and lactose found in dairy can be a problem for some people.

Now, I also realize that there are significant health benefits associated with consuming dairy products, so not everyone will have to eliminate dairy from their diet. If you find that you are sensitive to dairy, it is worth trying to eliminate it from your diet for 1-3 months to see if you notice any improvement in your skin. Of course, if you have a dairy allergy, you shouldn’t consume dairy products either.

Processed or refined sugars can wreak havoc on your skin. A diet high in high-glycemic foods and refined sugars has been linked to the development of acne, but no studies have yet been published on sugar intake and keratosis pilaris. In addition, the modern American diet also tends to be high in processed foods. Intake of processed foods has been linked to increased rates of cancer, heart disease, type

Bye Bye Keratosis Pilaris! (aka ”chicken Skin”)

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