Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Women

By | November 13, 2024

Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Women – Evening primrose, also called “night willow herb”, belongs to North and South America and grows in parts of Asia and throughout Europe. It is a night owl with its yellow flowers that open at dusk and close when day comes. Evening primrose oil (EPO) pressed from its seeds is a soothing carrier oil. The oil mixes well with other carrier oils for natural skin care recipes. The plant and its oil have a long history as a natural remedy for various health problems (x).

Derives from the Greek word wine, demonstrating the popular belief that the plant relieved hangovers. Other names include sundrop and primrose (x).

Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Women

Native Americans for centuries have used evening primrose to treat minor wounds, bruises, hemorrhoids and more. They prepared poultices from the plant and used the juices of the leaves and stem as topical treatments for skin inflammation. The leaves were taken orally when you had a sore throat or gastrointestinal problems, considering the plant a sedative and astringent (x, x).

Evening Primrose Oil: Uses And Drug Interactions

During the 17th century, evening primrose oil became the “king’s panacea” as a popular folk remedy (x). In the 1930s, the plant and its properties helped treat conditions such as high blood pressure, hair loss, and osteoporosis (x).

Researchers have studied the medical effects of seed oil for decades due to its rich source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid.

You may find it unpleasant to take evening primrose oil directly from a spoon. Carrying a jar of evening primrose oil with you wherever you go is embarrassing and messy. These capsules are portable without worrying about oil spills or leaks in your purse, briefcase or travel bag.

In fact, taking the oil in the form of softgel capsules helps you swallow the supplement easily and still get the benefits of the supplement. Softgels are ideal if you feel uncomfortable drinking evening primrose tea, with the tasteless softgels going down smoothly.

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The capsules dissolve and digest easily when taken orally, ensuring better absorption in the digestive tract. Softgels are excellent for oils because the airtight closure of the capsule improves the shelf life of the vitamin (x). You can also prick the capsule with a sterilized needle and the supplement becomes a topical oil to treat skin irritations.

The seed oil contains omega-6 fatty acids and omega-9 fatty acids, especially gamma-linolenic acid as the omega-6 fatty acid. The other fatty acids are linoleic acid, oleic acid (omega-9), palmitic acid and y-linoleic acid (x,  x). These have therapeutic effects based on clinical studies, such as treating skin irritation, rheumatoid arthritis, various cancers, women’s health issues, and more (x). In fact, your body converts GLA into a chemical that monitors cell growth and inhibits inflammation. GLA also supports your immune system.

Many studies on the benefits of EPO have focused on skin irritation and breast pain. Fewer studies have evaluated the oil for other health problems. EPO is safe for most adults and probably children. Additionally, the oil can increase the effects of lopinavir, an HIV medicine (x).

As a result, the essential fatty acids in EPO are necessary for your health, but your body does not produce them. So you need to add them to your diet. A healthy balance of essential fatty acids, omega-6 in EPO and omega-3 in fish oil, is also important.

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil

Like omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids help support the functioning of the brain and immune system, including normal development and growth of the body.

These fats function as carriers of vital fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins K, E, D, and A. For example, dietary fats are essential for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, the absorption of minerals, and many other processes (x) .

Also known as acne vulgaris, acne is a chronic inflammatory health problem that affects the oil-producing glands and hair follicles of the skin. The GLA present in evening primrose oil helps inhibit acne breakouts due to its anti-inflammatory properties (x).

Those who take EPO find that the natural product reduces acne symptoms while avoiding the unwanted side effects of medical treatments. In fact, people who take conventional acne treatments notice that their skin becomes dry. Then they take EPO softgel capsules to help hydrate the skin, making sure it retains its moisture (x).

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One of the many side effects of taking oral isotretinoin to treat severe inflammatory acne is cheilitis, dry skin, dry eyes, and pink eye. A Korean study with 40 volunteers taking isotretinoin with these side effects took 450 mg evening primrose capsules three times a day. They also used a cleansing gel and moisturizer twice a day. Cheilitis improved and acne lesions also decreased (x).

EPO can help relieve the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis thanks to the presence of essential fatty acids. Patients find success using it as a natural and alternative treatment. Inflammation causes these health problems, and GLA, an essential fatty acid in EPO, helps inhibit these skin diseases and reduce fatty acid abnormalities in the body.

A summary of clinical studies conducted using GLA-rich plants, such as evening primrose, showed marked improvement in eczema. Patients had less inflammation, scaling, dryness and overall severity. The doses of EPO used to treat eczema were safe (x).

Psoriasis is an unpredictable skin condition that is irritating and chronic like an autoimmune disease. A clinical study with 51 patients who were given a combination of fish oil and EPO proved effective after seven months of treatment: each patient significantly improved (x). Bodybio Evening Primrose Oil

The GLA found in evening primrose oil can offer substantial benefits in improving skin elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles, thanks to the fact that it is an essential fatty acid (x).

In fact, EPO also contains oleic acid, an omega-9, which has antioxidant properties, which also bring benefits to the skin. Antioxidants protect the skin’s surface from damage caused by environmental aggressors, such as pollution and UV (x,  x) rays. As mentioned above, EPO is a fabulous skin moisturizer, hydrates and smoothes wrinkles.

A combined study of vitamin C, E, pycnogenol (pine bark extract), and evening primrose oil was shown to be effective in treating mouse hairless skin with wrinkles. The results showed a reduction in UVB-induced wrinkle formation and an inhibition of wrinkles (x).

With all the essential fatty acids contained in evening primrose softgel capsules, it helps slow hair loss by adding moisture to hair, promoting hair growth and supporting stronger hair. EPO also eliminates dandruff, subsequently promoting hair growth. It also conditions and protects hair, keeping it soft and shiny (x).

Harnessing Nature’s Elixir: Health Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil

Punching one of the capsules and using EPO as a carrier oil helps hydrate and nourish the scalp, fortifying strands and soothing dryness and inflammation. It therefore prevents itching and reduces hair loss (x).

EPO may help relieve nerve pain based on a study following a sciatic nerve crush injury in male rats. The GLA contained in the seed oil is a valuable anti-inflammatory and normalizes nerve function and blood flow in the injured area (x).

Distal diabetic polyneuropathy is the most common nervous system disease associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). Some notable features include numbness in the toes or feet, tingling sensation, neuropathic pain, weakness, and more. Twenty-two patients with DM were part of a study to determine the effectiveness of γ-linolenic acid in EPO on their neuropathy. Twelve patients took the fatty acid and ten patients took a placebo. Patients who took γ-linolenic acid showed significantly improved overall scores, including motor nerve, muscle action and sensory. Therefore, EPO is a therapy to prevent and treat DM and overall nerve health (x).

Several studies have established that evening primrose oil can relieve breast pain associated with PMS or menstrual pain. One study claimed that GLA reduces inflammation and helps prevent prostaglandins that cause cyclical breast pain by changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. The study also determined that daily consumption of vitamin E and EPO for six months can alleviate the severity of cyclic breast pain (x, x).

Gla Oil Benefits And Topical Evening Primrose Oil Benefits For Skin

Other clinical studies support the use of EPO as an effective therapy for premenstrual syndrome, hot flashes, the growth of benign breast tumors, and the ripening and dilation of the cervix. However, clinical trials on breast pain seemed more relevant as a priority than synthetic chemical drugs (x).

One study showed that combining fish oil with evening primrose oil can help improve calcium absorption and support bone formation. A clinical study showed that when given four grams of fish oil daily for four months, older women with osteoporosis improved calcium absorption and showed signs of new bone formation. In another controlled study, women received six grams of fish oil and EPO in combination and 600 mg of calcium daily for three years. The fish/EPO group experienced no spinal bone loss in the first 18 months and a substantial 3.1% increase in spinal bone mineral density in the final 18 months (x).

The essential fatty acids in EPO help improve the effects of calcium and vitamin D absorption in the small intestine. Therefore, your body loses less calcium through urinary excretion, helping to support calcium stores in bones and increase bone strength (x).

Numerous clinical studies, including hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome, benign breast tumors, breast pain, and diabetes, have established that EPO is effective in women’s health. Linoleic acid in

Benefits Of Using Evening Primrose Oil

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