Understanding Skin Barrier Protection

By | September 15, 2024

Understanding Skin Barrier Protection – Our skin barrier is the skin’s first line of defense protecting our skin from stress and environmental stimuli. So you can imagine if our skin is a palace, our skin barrier is the guard of the main entrance. They are the first to face danger from the outside to protect everything inside. However, our skin barrier has limitations in dealing with such stressors and with the recent increase in pollution, bad lifestyles, stress and improper skin care routines, we may compromise its integrity and damage it. Once our skin barrier is damaged, it can cause a lot of problems in the deeper layers of the skin and that is usually when we realize that something is wrong. Let’s talk and learn more about what skin protection actually is and what you can do to protect it! 1. What is a skin barrier and what does it consist of and how does it function? Our skin is divided into three main layers: epidermis (outer layer), dermis (middle layer), and hypodermis (bottom layer). The skin barrier is the most superficial layer of the epidermis and has many benefits for our skin, such as:

The skin barrier is often described as a brick and mortar structure. The bricks are our skin cells and the mortar is the lipid layer that helps keep the skin cells intact. These components work like the first line of protection for our skin to keep it functioning normally. – Brick: keratinocytes (skin cells), natural moisturizing factors – Mortar: Ceramide, free fatty acids, cholesterol    2. Which damages the skin barrier

Understanding Skin Barrier Protection

When the integrity of this structure is altered, it causes continuous loss of moisture/water from our skin and invasion of irritants, this is a condition we often refer to as skin barrier breakdown. There are many factors that can affect the integrity of this skin barrier structure ranging from genetics, skin care habits (often), environmental pollution, extreme weather, stress, or even the consumption or use of certain medications. Some people may be genetically more susceptible to skin barrier damage when their bodies do not produce enough of these skin barrier elements. However, today more and more people are facing this problem due to external factors such as our skin care habits.

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–  Over-washing – Over-exfoliating – Accumulation of possibly irritating products (or active ingredients) in one routine  – Exposure to irritants    3. How do you know if your skin barrier is damaged? When your skin barrier is compromised, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

Step 1 :  Control or eliminate possible triggers (if any. Example: over-washing, over-exfoliating) – Step 2 :  Return to basic skin care routine. Focus on gentle cleansing, plenty of hydration, and sun protection. Stop exfoliating, scrubs, and any products that might cause irritation for a while. – Step 3 :  Be patient and let your skin repair its own mechanisms – Step 4 :  Support the skin’s healing process with ingredients that help your skin heal, retain more water, or replace components of the skin’s barrier

Step 1 :  Keep your skin moisturized. This step is important for maintaining your skin barrier. The water component will help the enzymes in your skin to work optimally. You can also look for moisturizers/hydrators with ingredients that support our skin barrier. – Step 2 :  Do enough skin care. As the old saying goes, “too much of a good thing is bad” and the same goes for your skin care. Don’t clean or exfoliate excessively because if you do too much it won’t end well. – Step 3 :  Protect your skin from the sun. Sunscreen protects our skin from UV radiation which can damage our cells and skin barrier. – Step 4 :  Choose a cleanser or toner that is gentle and has a balanced pH. If you have the choice to choose a pH-balanced product over a product that can temporarily damage your skin every day, it’s best to choose the former. When you use pH-balanced products, this will minimize the chances of you damaging your own skin barrier.

5. What materials can we use to repair the skin barrier? Some of these skin care ingredients can help your skin heal by retaining more water, replacing skin protective components, or soothing.

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1) Water reservoir:  Hyaluronic acid, honey, panthenol, shea butter, squalene, glycerin, or other vegetable oils. 2) Replace skin protective components :  Ceramide, fatty acids (linoleic acid), phospholipids, triglycerides, squalane It’s best to use something you know makes your skin comfortable. Keep using this foundation until your skin has fully recovered before you experiment with other skin care products. If you’d like to see more products that love skin protection, check out the Picky app to find out more! 3) Calming : Niacinamide, Colloidal oatmeal,   Allantoin, Green tea extract, etc.

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Did you know that our skin barrier acts as a defense system to fight off external aggressors every day? Barrier disruption can destroy the skin wall, making it more susceptible to damage and trans-epidermal water loss which can raise a variety of concerns. Let’s get to know our skin barrier better and understand everything about it!

Our skin consists of many tissues and is the body’s largest organ that maintains our internal systems. Its main function is to protect, regulate and provide sensation. The outermost layer of our skin, also known as the Stratum Corneum along with fat lipids forms part of our skin barrier. It acts as our body’s natural defense against the outside world while preserving the good things inside. It acts like a wall as a first line of defense, protecting us from environmental stressors and keeping our internal immunity healthy. Here are some reasons why maintaining the skin barrier is so important:

Comparison Of Healthy And Damaged Skin Barrier Vector On White Background. The Healthy Sebum Barrier Protect Skin From Stimulation And Bacteria. When Sebum Decreased, Lead To More Water Leaving Skin. 24128250 Vector

Our environment consists of various elements such as climate, pollution, UV rays, humidity levels and many other factors. Our skin barrier makes it more resistant to stressors by preventing the development of bacteria, infections, or sun damage. A strong barrier is a sign of healthy skin because it can resist harmful components that try to break down the wall.

Dry skin is more susceptible to damage because skin cells become tighter and brittle, making them crack more easily. Skin can act as a barrier only if it is well hydrated as moisture can help speed up the repair process while reducing susceptibility to damage. At the same time, the barrier can lock in moisture and prevent further water loss by keeping all ingredients inside and avoiding passive evaporation that can lead to dehydration.

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and weaker, losing the layers of fat that act as support. To prevent the loss of these supporting structures, it is important to maintain a healthy barrier that will protect the skin from harmful UV rays that break down collagen and elastin fibers. The sting barrier will prevent bruising, maintain a high recovery rate, reduce sagging and prolong the overall aging process.

Although invisible to the naked eye, most of our bodies are covered by hair follicles. It acts as a means to bring internally produced water and oil to the surface of the skin. Sweating flushes out all the harmful toxins in our body and cools it down to maintain proper body temperature and water balance.

Friction Between Human Skin And Incontinence Pads In The Presence Of Barrier Protection Products

So, what happens if you are faced with skin barrier damage? Simply put, walls that once stood upright now have cracks and holes, allowing irritants to enter and making the skin vulnerable. The best way to deal with this problem is to pay attention to the following signs to understand whether you need to strengthen your defenses:

A burning sensation accompanied by redness is a clear sign that something is wrong. Scientifically, inflammation is a sign that the body is responding to an irritant and trying to fight it. A damaged barrier allows these irritants to seep through the damaged gaps causing more inflammation.

Discoloration in skin tone occurs when excess melanin is deposited in certain areas. Melanin protects the skin from the sun’s UV rays but greater exposure can damage cells in hair follicles, increasing the risk of pigmentation.

Check out our article on Hyperpigmentation Demystified: What causes it and how you should treat it to find out more.

Body Barrier Emulsion

Transepidermal Water Loss is a condition where the skin barrier does not function

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