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Vital Information on the Coronavirus that You Need to Know

Coronavirus has become an epidemic that has hit the world and several countries have been affected by the coronavirus. Because few people understand what the virus is all about we will let people get the characteristics and ensure that they have knowledge about respiratory protection which will be protecting themselves well from contracting the virus. Most of the people know the virus as the coronavirus, and it is in the class as the viruses that cause the common colds, but it can also be referred to as COVID-19. It is believed that it started in the province of Wuhan china and the capability of mutating, therefore, it can be transmitted from animals to humans. The COVID-19 is highly infectious, and you need to get the right information about the virus to have the chance of taking the right respiratory protection.

One of the reasons that make the virus to be spread fast is that it has a high life span and also it is airborne. The lifespan of the virus in the air once an infected persons sneeze or coughs are three hours, and the virus exists in the form of a droplet. The virus has various life spans on different surfaces whereby on plastic and stainless surfaces the virus has a lifespan of three days if it lands on those surfaces. While on cardboard surface it can live there for up to twenty fours and the copper services the life span of the virus is reduced to hours. With the knowledge on the lifespan of the COVID-19 virus, you need to know more about the virus, and respiratory protection will be discussed below.

Because coronavirus and common colds virus are in the same group the symptoms and respiratory protection do not differ a lot. But the basic symptoms of the virus include fever which is above thirty-seven point five degrees Celsius, a normal person has a temperature of around thirty-six point five to thirty-seven degrees Celsius. You may also experience shortness of breath and coughing in which you will have dry coughs if infected. You may find the patient having bluish lips or face, they are confused and even experiencing trouble in breathing and chest pains. The discussed symptoms would not appear right away after been infected, and therefore it can take two to fourteen days for you to experience all the symptom. During the fourteen days, an infected person can transmit to other people. The elder with existing health conditions are venerable to contracting the virus and few respiratory protection against the virus.

The best and cheapest way of keeping off the virus is ensuring that you are washing your hand with soap and under warm water for twenty seconds. If the soap and water are unavailable you can use hand sanitizers and ensure that the sanitizers have a concentration of around sixty percentage ethanol.

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